Estudio de medios EBG basados en estructuras metálicas en forma de paralelepípedo
Margineda Puigpelat, Jose; Martín Rodríguez, Ernesto; García Collado, Ángel Joaquín; Molina Cuberos, Gregorio JoséFecha
Ingeniería, Industria y ConstrucciónMateria/s
Estructuras metálicasResumen
In this paper microstrip lines with periodic metallic structures on both sides have been studied. The basic unit cell is a parallelepiped with different metallization at the edges. The effects on the transmission in a standard microstrip line have been analysed by using both experimental and simulation (CST Microwave Studio®) techniques, obtaining an EBG behaviour similar to the one obtained with mushroom-like structures. The proposed structures present advantages in band gap size. Furthermore, the response does not dependent on the number of rows at the sides of the microstrip line.