The relationship between physical fitness and academic performance in Spanish secondary education students: A longitudinal study
Actividad Física y DeporteMateria/s
AdolescentsEducación secundaria
Academic performance
Condición física
Secondary education
Physical condition
Rendimiento académico
The relationship between academic performance and physical condition has mainly been researched in studies of a cross-sectional nature that have largely focused on non-Spanish subjects. In this longitudinal study information was gathered from 100 students of 3rd and 4th years of ESO and 1st year of Bachillerato during the academic years 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 in a Galician state school. The level of physical condition was determined through the results obtained in a series of physical tests aimed at assessing aerobic endurance, explosive strength, agility and flexibility adapted to the age of the students. Grades earned were taken as a benchmark of academic performance for the subjects of Spanish and mathematics. A direct and significant association was found only in boys between each of the physical capacities assessed and the academic performance in mathematics during the three-year evaluation period. The predictive model developed indicated that aerobic endurance was the most ... La relación entre rendimiento académico y condición física ha sido principalmente investigada en estudios de diseño transversal que, por lo general, han incluido población no española. En este estudio longitudinal se recogió información de 100 alumnos/as que cursaron 3º, 4º de la ESO y 1º de Bachillerato durante los cursos académicos 2009/10, 2010/11 y 2011/12 en un centro educativo público de Galicia. El nivel de condición física se determinó mediante los resultados obtenidos en un conjunto de test físicos de valoración de la resistencia aeróbica, la fuerza explosiva, la agilidad y la flexibilidad adaptados a la edad de los alumnos/as. Como indicador de rendimiento académico se eligieron las calificaciones obtenidas en las asignaturas de Lengua Castellana y Matemáticas. Se encontró una asociación directa y significativa entre cada una de las capacidades físicas evaluadas y el rendimiento académico en la asignatura de Matemáticas para cada uno de los tres años evaluados solo en los chi...