Structural study of the catalytic domain of PKCfusinginfrared spectroscopy and two-dimensional infraredcorrelation spectroscopy
Sánchez Bautista, Sonia; Kazaks, Andris; Beauland, Melanie; Torrecillas, Alejandro; Corbalán García, Senena; [et al.]Date
BiochemistryProtein kinase C
Catalytic domain from PKCzeta
Protein kinase C
Kinase-defective dominant-negative form of PKCzeta
Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate
The secondary structure of the catalytic domain from protein kinase Cfwas studied using IR spectroscopy. In the presence of the substrateMgATP, there was a significant change in the secondary structure. Afterheating to 80°C, a 14% decrease in thea-helix component was observed,accompanied by a 6% decrease in theb-pleated sheet; no change wasobserved in the large loops or in 310-helix plus associated loops. The maxi-mum increase with heating was observed in the aggregatedb-sheet compo-nent, with an increase of 14%. In the presence of MgATP, and comparedwith the sample heated in its absence, there was a substantial decrease inthe 310-helix plus associated loops and an increase ina-helix. Synchronous2D-IR correlation showed that the main changes occurred at 1617 cm)1,which was assigned to changes in the intermolecular aggregatedb-sheet ofthe denaturated protein. This increase was mainly correlated with thechange ina-helix. In the presence of MgATP, the main correlation wasbetween aggregate...