Pedagogical structure of technical-tactical training in female handball formation categories
Dallegrave, Eduardo José; Feijó Poulsen, Fernanda; Flach, Mônica Cristina; Nascimento, Juarez Vieira do; Folle, Alexandra; [et al.]Date
Actividad Física y DeporteSubject/s
Training tasksFemale sport
Technical-tactical training
In the field of sports training, the pedagogical structuring of tasks includes an important research axis, since it constitutes a basic practice in the performance of the sports coach. With this, the objective of this study was to analyze the pedagogical structure of technical-tactical training tasks in categories in handball training. Therefore, the design of this study is part of the descriptive, quantitative and observational research, with 27 athletes and two coaches, of two female handball teams in the U-16 category of the state of Santa Catarina. Data collection was based on the indirect and systematic observation of 36 training sessions, which were transcribed in the Comprehensive Training Analysis System (SIATE) and analyzed based on descriptive and inferential statistics. The results obtained affirm that, although the coaches have years of different experiences in the handball modality, the training process and the development of the training tasks were similar, and both coach... En el ámbito del entrenamiento deportivo la estruc-turación pedagógica de las tareas comprende un impor-tante eje de investigación, ya que constituye una prác-tica básica en el desempeño del entrenador deportivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la estructura pedagógica de las tareas de entrenamiento técnico-táctico en categorías en formación de balonmano. El diseño del presente estudio se encuadra dentro de la investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa y observacional, con 27 atletas y dos entrenadores, de dos equipos de balonmano femeninos de la categoría sub-16 del esta-do de Santa Catarina. La recopilación de datos se basó en la observación indirecta y sistemática de 36 sesiones de formación, que fueron transcritas en el Sistema In-tegral para el Análisis de las Tareas de Entrenamiento (SIATE) y analizadas a partir de estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que, ...